You First

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

A long while ago now, I changed the bio on my Twitter profile to, simply: "I am the very model of a modern major misandrist." Naturally, this is not because I am a misandrist, but because I am routinely called one by misogynist dudes.

Some time later, I changed by profile pic to an image of me sipping from a mug labeled "Male Tears." I can't even recall now which disgorgement of misogynist dude aggrievement prompted me to take and post the picture—possibly another chapter in the epic uproar over how an all-female Ghostbusters was going to retroactively ruin their childhoods.

Every so often, a new MRA-type discovers my bio and/or profile pic and a new round of dipshits, of the sort that necessitated my sardonic attempts to deal with their incessant harassment in the first place, piles into my TL to shout at me about how I am a man-hating monster.

That happened again today, which is perfectly timely, given that I just posted this piece in the blogaround yesterday.

Here's the deal: I will stop referring to myself as a misandrist when misogynist men stop calling me one in response to my advocating on behalf of my own humanity. And I will stop making jokes about male tears when men stop routinely making women cry with their vile misogyny.

That's a promise.

Ball's in your court, dudes.

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