Discussion Thread: Good Things

One of the ways we resist the demoralization and despair in which exploiters of fear like Trump thrive is to keep talking about the good things in our lives.

Because, even though it feels very much (and rightly so) like we are losing so many things we value, there are still daily moments of joy or achievement or love or empowering ferocity or other kinds of fulfillment.

Maybe you've experienced something big worth celebrating; maybe you've just had a precious moment of contentment; maybe getting out of bed this morning was a success worthy of mention.

News items worth celebrating are also welcome.

So, whatever you have to share that's good, here's a place to do it.

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Dudley had a great follow-up with the vet after his dental surgery, and he's all clear to resume his normal ration of treats, about which he is very happy, which makes me happy!

And Zelda had a good appointment with the vet, too, and was an extremely good girl while he clipped her nails because he's got some kind of MAGIC that convinces her to let him do it and literally nobody else, including me, even after countless hours of desensitivity work, but I don't even care as long as those talons get trimmed, which also makes me happy!

My oldest friend, who has also lost three of his cats in the last few years, just rescued an all-black cat who is a very handsome, very shy boy — and doesn't even know yet that he just hit the cat jackpot!

This video of Taylor Swift meeting and adopting her new kitten is the best!


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