Election Thread

Minnesota, Connecticut, Wisconsin, and Vermont had primary races yesterday. Here's a thread to talk about any and all of the results that you found exciting or disappointing.

A couple bits of good news I saw: Christine Hallquist won the gubernatorial Democratic primary in Vermont to become the first openly transgender candidate for governor to be supported by a major party; Ilhan Omar won her primary in Minnesota and is now positioned to be one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress; and Jahana Hayes won her primary in Connecticut and, if she wins her seat in November, she'll make history as Connecticut's first Black Congresswoman. Congratulations, ladies!

In not so great news: Rep. Keith Ellison won the Democratic nomination in the Minnesota Attorney General's race, despite allegations of domestic violence. And Senator Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat in Vermont but is poised to pull his usual bullshit of now declining to run as a Democrat and instead run as an independent. In case you're not familiar with Sanders' history, this is what he does every time, in order to block a meaningful Democratic challenger.

And once again: I'm appalled (though unsurprised) by how much not understanding basic politics I'm seeing on social media this morning, specifically in the form of people talking about how Democrats did versus Republicans. Folks, these are primaries. They determine which Democrats and which Republicans will run against each other in the general election.

There is no shame in being confused. Except when you're positioning yourself as some kind of expert and clearly don't even know what the hell the objective of a primary actually is. And there is a lot of that nonsense going around. Sigh.

Did you vote yesterday? Did your candidates win? Tell all in comments.

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