Two Facts

1. David Brooks is still being employed by the New York Times to write a garbage column.

2. This week, David Brooks is mystified by why Hillary Clinton is disliked. He's mystified by so many things! But he's got lots of solid theories. His theory on why Clinton is so disliked is that we don't know what she does for fun.

I guess it was time for another round of: Hillary Clinton is a huge failure for not letting us access every aspect of her personal life, despite the fact that she is shredded every time she gives us access to her personal life. Everyone's favorite game!

But obviously the best part of the entire piece is this:
[S]he was popular not long ago. As secretary of state she had a 66 percent approval rating. Even as recently as March 2015 her approval rating was at 50 and her disapproval rating was at 39.

It's only since she launched a multimillion-dollar campaign to impress the American people that she has made herself so strongly disliked.
She's made herself disliked! What a silly lady! She definitely shouldn't have done that to herself, don't you agree?


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