
[Content Note: Misogyny.]

I've got a new piece up at BNR on the unfathomable reality that Hillary Clinton gets more negative coverage from the corporate media than Donald Trump:
What does it say about this country, and how we value women, that the first woman with a legitimate shot at the US presidency gets more negative coverage than a man who trades in misogyny?

...Trump is a man who has called an entire group of people rapists, who wants to build walls and barriers between people, who supports nuclear weapons proliferation, who has threatened to commit war crimes if elected president. And it is Hillary Clinton, a woman who has dedicated her career to improving the lot of women and children and breaking down systems of oppression, who gets the most negative coverage.

I am very angry about that. And you should be, too.

...I refuse to abide this contemptible double standard without comment, without visible anger. Because somewhere, right now, is a little girl who doesn't have Hillary's immense profile. Somewhere, a little girl with darker skin, or who loves other little girls, or who has a disability, is watching this unfold. And she is calculating what it would mean to navigate what Hillary is navigating—plus the additional oppressions she would be required to bear.
Click through to read the whole thing.

My thanks to my colleague Peter Daou for finding the terrific pictures that accompany the text.

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