No Kidding

[Content Note: Toxic masculinity.]

Michael Rosenwald for the Washington Post: "'Damaged masculinity' may help explain Columbine and other mass shootings."

Oh really? Do tell me more.

Forgive my sarcastic contempt on this very serious subject. It's not that I treat it lightly; to the absolute contrary, it's something about which I (and many other feminists) have been writing for years. Which is the source of my ire.

It's not that I don't appreciate Mr. Rosenwald writing about it, nor the WaPo publishing it. It's just that women have been saying this very thing for years. And in the time that women have been saying it, and either being flatly ignored or shouted down by people calling us man-hating hysterics, more people have been harmed as a result of unchecked toxic masculinity.


Well, maybe now that a man has said it, people will actually pay attention.

[H/T to Aphra_Behn.]

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