This F#@king Guy

[Content Note: Transphobia; rape culture; disablist language.]

Former Arkansas governor, current Republican presidential candidate, and professor of Bible Bigotry Mike Huckabee continues to be an absolute dirtbag in every conceivable way.

After being widely criticized for his ha-ha joke about transgender women—in which he said he wished someone had told him "when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE. I'm pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, 'Coach, I think I'd rather shower with the girls today.'"—Huckabee has doubled down, because of course he has:
"I take nothing back from that speech," Huckabee said Friday during an appearance on influential Iowa conservative Steve Deace's radio program.

"I'm kind of glad it's posted because people, if they watch the whole clip, what they're going to see is that I'm giving a commonsense answer to the insanity that's going on out there," Huckabee said, in comments reported by Right Wing Watch.

..."I hear people—everybody wants to be politically correct, everybody wants to be loved by the media and loved by the left and loved by the elitists," the presidential candidate said. "But, you know, I know I'm not going to be, so let's just get it over with. I'd rather be a commonsense candidate for people who did take their brains to work today."
Transphobia and rape culture is just "common sense." Now where have I heard that before? Oh, right. Michelle Duggar also saying that transphobia is "common sense" mere days ago.

What a coincidence!

Or maybe not: We all know that Mike Huckabee is BFFs with the Duggars, even defending their son's sexual abuse, and it turns out that the carefully orchestrated PR campaign the Duggars are running is being managed by a guy called Chad Gallagher, who just happens to be "Huckabee's longtime political adviser. Gallagher is the founder and principal of Legacy Consulting in Arkansas, and also oversees Huckabee's political action committee, HUCKPAC, which made the news earlier this year for awarding nearly $400,000 to Huckabee's own family."

As of last week, Huckabee was still saying "he'd love to have the Duggars campaign with him." And why not? They're all taking their plays from the same utterly revolting playbook. A bunch of disgusting peas in the same rotten pod.

[H/T to Aphra_Behn.]

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