Tom Hardy and a Puppy Visit Queensland Beach in Nova Scotia

image of actor Tom Hardy holding a grey pit bull puppy in his arms, standing on a beautiful beach in Nova Scotia, Canada

"Tom," said the puppy, licking its nose, "I don't like the phrase 'common sense.'" And Tom said, "I don't like it either, puppy." And the puppy said, "It seems to me that a lot of what's considered 'common sense' is really only common among the people and puppies who fiercely defend the idea that their perspectives are objective, and right, and the only possible logical conclusions." And Tom said, "Uh-huh. And the very phrase itself implicitly accuses anyone who disagrees as nonsensical, incapable of the sort of sophisticated thought required to come to these allegedly self-evident conclusions." And the puppy said, "Sometimes people forget that seeing the world from four legs makes it look different from seeing it with two legs. For example." And Tom nodded his agreement, then they quietly gazed at the sea, each from their own perspective.

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