Misandry Monthly

[Content Note: Lampooning the trope of feminists as man-haters.]

I recently changed my Twitter bio to "I am the very model of a modern major misandrist," and last night, Shaker mdevile, who also created my Feminist Boss Card and our incredible banner, put me on the cover of Misandry Monthly magazine as a modern major misandrist:

image of me in a high-collared jacket, next to the drawing that mdevile did, in which I'm wearing the jacket with added epaulettes and holding a helmet
The image she used as inspiration, and her drawing.

The only question is what articles should be on the cover of the magazine. Some of my suggestions I made last night on Twitter:

"Best New Recipes for Leftover Jars of Male Tears."

"10 Tricks to Make Him Cry."

"Are You Exploiting Your Female Privilege to Its Full Potential?"

"Teach Your Cat to Hate Men."

"Skirts to Communicate 'You're in the Friend Zone.'"

Please feel welcome and encouraged to leave your own suggestions in comments!

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