Power Move: Teaspoon

[Content Note: Reclaimative use of slur.]

Yesterday, Shaker mdevile asked me if she could draw a mini-portrait of my misandry helmet pic "a la D&D character sheet," to which I of course replied, "Sure!" because that sounded fun!

And last night, she sent this "feminist boss card" to me, which I am sharing here with her permission:

drawing of me, below which is mdevile's signature followed text reading: 'Melissa McEwan: Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain | Stats: Contempt (high) Wit (high) Eloquence (high) | Power Move: Teaspoon | Bonuses: +5 to Misandry'


I mean, not only is it just cool and clever as fuck, but pouring over the character cards to pick a character before launching into an RPG is one of my favorite things. So basically this just delights me to no end!

Thank you so much, mdevile! That totally, totally made my day. A+

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