
[Content Note: Regionalism.]

This is a regularly scheduled reminder that talking shit about "red states" and telling progressives there that we should "just move" is hostile garbage.

It's incredibly demoralizing for progressive activists who live in states with conservative governments (which, as a reminder, often are governing in direct contravention of the will of the people) to be told constantly that we should leave or homes, or that our home states are terrible places.

Not everyone has the privilege of being able to move, which is to say nothing of not everyone having the desire to move—and those of us who could move, who choose to stay and fight on behalf of our values and in solidarity with those who can't pick up and leave, have a rough enough time of it without being written off by ostensible allies.

Knock it off.

[Note: For Shakers having a rough go of it on social media and elsewhere with this kind of nonsense, please feel absolutely welcome to cut and paste as needed.]

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