Happy Blogiversary to Us!

October 5 was Shakesville's ninth blogiversary, and I totally missed it! Whoooooooooooops! So happy belated blogiversary to us!

1. Everything I said last year.

2. I started this blog because George W. Bush made me SO ANGRY. And because some of the ways in which he made me angry, often ways having to do with how his policies affected women, weren't well-represented at progressive political blogs run by men. Sure, there was the occasional outrage about reproductive rights policies, but it was usually expressed in a way that urged left-leaning women to get the fuck in line, or we could expect more of that, rather than in a way that expressed any discernible authentic concern for what misogynist policy means for us in our real lives.

So I started writing stuff. Without any hope or expectation that it would ever mean anything to anyone other than me.

I'm surprised and thrilled that it has. My thanks to this community for their support. My profound gratitude to the other contributors and mods, for everything you put on the page and everything you do for me behind the scenes. And my thanks and appreciation to Iain, who first suggested I start this blog and always believes in me.

Onward to ten...

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