In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today! (Your daily shutdown thread is here.)

A passenger landed a plane after the pilot collapsed and two flying instructors explained to the totally untrained passenger what to do. THAT IS AMAZING! Good job, everyone!

[Content Note: Torture] "The Roast of Dick Cheney" was filled with ha-ha jokes about waterboarding and war crimes, because of course it was.

The shutdown is having a terrible effect on scientific research.

Waukegan High School crowned a gay homecoming king and gay homecoming queen this weekend. Neat!

I'm sure you'll be totally SHOCKED to hear that the Romney campaign did not stop lying just because it lost the election. LIES 4EVER.

Do you care what Oliver Stone has to say about the finale of Breaking Bad? I don't! But if you do, you can read all about it here!

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