This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

"Ladies, Want That Promotion? Then Quit Your Cheerful Demeanor." Subtitle: "Authority Doesn't Smile."

Fannie, brilliant as always, makes this observation about what is definitely the worst line in the piece:
Anyway, I want to end by noting an irritating line from the "cheerful demeanor" article.
"But before we start pointing fingers, know this: women too are guilty of holding these stereotypical views about female peers."
"But before we start pointing fingers"? What a truly strange, inapt thing to say immediately prior to pointing fingers at "women too."
The rest of her takedown is also great.

It's not like there's not another way to report the findings of yet another study concluding that women lag in workplace authority and/or promotions because of male privilege. There is. "Ladies, Want That Promotion? Then Let's Challenge and Dismantle Misogyny in the Workplace."

Because, ultimately, even coding this issue as one of "fe/male behavior" is a red herring. After all, women who "act like men," who are ambitious and assertive and confident and expect what they are owed, are not rewarded. They are demeaned as bitches who aren't acting enough like women.

Authority doesn't smile. Ha ha sure. And as soon as a woman stops smiling, we know what happens.

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