Today in Anti-Choice Terrorism

[Content Note: Anti-choice terrorism.]

There are a lot of things that don't get called terrorism in this country, but chief among them is the anti-choice movement, which is the most brazen, unapologetic terrorist campaign in the US, its co-ordination and orchestration done right out in the open, where no one in the media or politics will call it what it is. It is an inherently violent ideology, backed by a decades-long campaign of intimidation, harassment and violence directed at abortion providers and abortion seekers, that is ignored by one party and mainstreamed as a central plank of its party platform by the other.

And still, every goddamn episode of blatant terrorism against women's clinics is treated like an isolated fucking incident.

Last night, an explosive device went off at a Planned Parenthood facility in Grand Chute, Wisconsin.
Grand Chute police are investigating an explosive device that blew up at Planned Parenthood. It happened about 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Planned Parenthood office at 3800 North Gillett Street. The explosion started a fire that quickly burned itself out. The fire and explosion caused a small amount of damage to the building.
Fortunately, there have been no reports of injuries.

Note the headline at the linked piece: "Explosive device found at Planned Parenthood." Found. Well, yes, I suppose one way of describing a bomb going off is to say that a bomb was "found."

Again I wonder how long this campaign of domestic terrorism against women and other people with uteri has to go on before our president will say something about it. It would be nice if he would say something before any more people get killed.

[Via Chloe.]

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