Not Quite Daily Teaspoon Report

Hi Shakers - I've been pondering trying to get started reposting these, and thought today was as good a day to start as any.

But since I support the SOPA Strike along with Liss and the other Shakesville contributors, this is actually a post to say there won't be an NQDTR today. I'm a creative person myself, I'm even performing on stage this Friday night, and I believe strongly in my right to determine the use of my own work. But I believe there are far better ways to serve my needs as a creator of content and owner of IP than this piece of corporate shill work.

Netizens of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your freedom!

Being a not-USan, I thought I'd bring you who share that trait with me the idea that if you're outside the US, you will still be greatly affected by this bad legislation. I suggest contacting your own governmental representatives in your own country, and telling them to let your $FOREIGN_AFFAIRS people know that you want pressure put on the US to not allow censorship of the world's Net, by the content corporations or by totalitarian governments. IP Protection is an important area of law, and it should be done right, not in a hurry and in service to the giant corporations of the mainstream media, or to repressive governments' wish to limit the Net freedom of their citizens. Knowledge is power, and they know it: opposing this legislation helps keep that avenue to civil liberties open.

In Canada, you can find your Member of Parliament through this page here, ou ici en français. Urge them politely but firmly to put pressure on the US to stop this flawed legislation, and start again with a better proposal.

I encourage you to leave similar links for your own countries here, non-USan Shakers, for the use of your compatriots.

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