Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by Shaxco. Shaxco: In the Bag for Goat and Paperclip Since This Morning!

The Chicago History Museum offers one answer to the searing question, "What happened to the women who welded and riveted the machines that won the war?" Well, dear boy, some of them got arrested on their way home from work for wearing pants.

Alexander Chee's essay "Fanboy" appears both at his blog and at The Morning News, where he is now a contributing writer. Racism, chronic illness, American imperialism—this piece covers so much so deftly that I couldn't find a pullquote sufficient to give a true taste of the whole. Just read it.

Sady: SlutWalk goes international: The uses and limitations of a simple idea

Crunktastic: SlutWalks v. Ho Strolls (via Racialicious)

hepshiba: White Privilege Diary Series #1 - White Feminist Privilege in Organizations

WhySharksMatter at Southern Fried Science: Vote for Sophi: List of Oceana Ocean Hero finalists includes 8 year old shark conservationist

Aatish Bhatia: Why have sex? Snails do it to fight parasites [This post discusses a parasite life cycle in some detail, so be warned.]

Passive-Aggressive Notes: Are you ready for your Rapture party? [TW ableism in comments]

Design You Can Trust: Austin Texas Tower House

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