Quote of the Day

"That is a mis-draft; that is not acceptable to me. That would make it too difficult to pass, otherwise."—Republican Louisiana State Rep. John LaBruzzo, addressing concerns that a piece of anti-choice legislation he drafted contains a provision that would subject any woman who has an abortion to the crime of feticide.

LaBruzzo, who describes himself as "unapologetically pro-life," stands behind the rest of the bill, which would, without exception, "ban all abortions in the state and subject the doctor who performs one to prosecution on charges of feticide." Sure.

If the name John LaBruzzo sounds familiar to you, that might be because he's the same dipshit who proposed, in 2008, "a plan to pay poor women $1,000 to have their Fallopian tubes tied" because: "We're on a train headed to the future and there's a bridge out."

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