This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

Actual headline: Ladies, try marketing approach to get a man.

Leaving aside the evident and entirely typical assumption that anyone who's a "lady" wants to "get a man" in the first place, I've got some real problems with a relationship strategy that essentially asks women to turn themselves into branded objects (if not explicitly sex objects) that are "marketed" to single men.

If your partner sees you as an object, of any sort, that makes you a fixed product. When you've branded and marketed and sold yourself as a catchphrase, it doesn't leave you a lot of room to change, or grow, and still be "the same person."

Growing together with a partner can be a challenging enough task for any couple, even without the additional pressure of constantly being measured in increments of deviation from a personal brand that the simple act of living life will likely lead one to outgrow.

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