News from Shakes Manor

Iain, via email, under the subject line "I have a new life goal": To beat this guy.

[The link leads to a story about a man who's set a world record for collecting (and storing) the most navel lint.]

Liss: And to get divorced, presumably. Cuz, eww.

Iain: Lol, I'm setting a jar up in your office.

Liss: Set up a jar on your desk to collect funds for your new bachelor pad. Where you can store ALL the navel fluff!

Iain: Ha! My bachelor pad will be carpeted in the finest navel lint rugs, and you will be JEALOUS!

Liss: This is your worst idea since you wanted to build a toejam castle called the Toes Mahal.

Iain: Lol, don't give me ideas. That would be awesome.

Liss: Weirdo. In the immortal words of Kelly Clarkson, my life would suck without you.

Iain: Dittoid.

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