Holy CRAP!

Bubble boy is temporarily leaving his bubble.

President Bush is ready to begin talking with Congress and the public about specific steps he supports to ensure the future of
Social Security and will announce his ideas during a prime-time news conference Thursday.

Bush was also using the formal question-and-answer session with reporters — his first in the evening in over a year — to talk about skyrocketing gas prices. The White House asked television networks to broadcast the news conference, scheduled for 8:30 p.m. EDT in the East Room of the White House.

Took him long enough. Gee, do you think reporters will take this opportunity to ask him real questions? Or are they just going to Gannon it, and let him slide by?

Chimpy hasn't spoken to a real audience in so long; if the questions get difficult, he's sure to get spooked. I haven't seen that since the first debate, and THAT'S entertainment, folks...

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