Time Really Sucks

Skippy writes another letter.

Last time on this issue, I noted:
This is the problem with a media that refuses to do its most basic homework—the damage gets done, and unless all (three) of the Left’s media personalities collectively scream about how the mistake is part of a vast rightwing conspiracy, no one will be the wiser.

The thing is, I don’t think Time really is part of a conspiracy. I think this mistake is just typical of the assortment of lazy, complacent, imprecise, conscienceless, bottom-line driven, easily intimidated and manipulated twats that are collectively known as our mainstream media. Which, frankly, isn’t really any better.
Well, I stand corrected. The cropping in their print version seems pretty darned deliberate. Looks like in addition to being lazy, complacent, imprecise, conscienceless, bottom-line driven, easily intimidated and manipulated, they’re also crooked. Nice going, Time. Your determination to create a photo finish in the race to bottom is really paying off.

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