image of me standing outside proudly sporting an 'I Voted' sticker

I'm sure anyone who's spent more than five seconds in this space already knows what a major democracy nerd I am and how voting is the closest thing I have to a religious ritual, so naturally I am VERY EXCITED about the opportunity to vote this morning.

Not everyone in this country who should have that opportunity does have it, and, had I been born at a different time, I wouldn't have had that opportunity, either. I carry that into the voting booth with me. I vote with urgency and pride and determination and rage and hope and lots of other feelings.

I was very happy today that I not only got to vote against Republican candidates, but that I was voting affirmatively for Democratic candidates who I really like, including my governor Tom Wolf! It was all I could do to stifle the urge to yell WHERE'S THE WOLF PACK AT?! and fist-pump with a WOOF WOOF WOOF! on my way out the door.

The turnout was like nothing I've seen since moving here, even despite some fairly dreary weather. We had to park two blocks away. (Yay!) It was overwhelmingly women. And they all looked pisssssssed. (Including me.)

My message for the polls today was decidedly less angry, though.

image of me wearing a green t-shirt that reads 'In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND'

I'm feeling pretty optimistic after voting, but I always do. Here's hoping we get a good result tonight.

*bites nails*

Please feel welcome and encouraged to leave pictures of yourself celebrating having voted in comments! (Please do NOT take/post pictures of your actual ballot, which is against the law in many places.)

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