All the Jumping into All the Christmas Trees

So, I'm reading this article about how the boxer Oscar De La Hoya is thinking about running for president, and I come to this line in the piece: "Although De La Hoya doesn't have any experience in elected office, that didn't stop Donald Trump from winning the 2016 presidential election."

That's just a real sentence that people get to write now, about literally anyone.

Get to write, have to write, feel obliged to write.

Donald Trump has changed an awful lot about this country and its politics in the last few years, none of those changes any good.

Somewhere at the top of the list, even though it may not seem like one of the most important changes (at least not yet), is the normalization of the idea that the United States presidency is an entry-level job.

It is not.

And one might imagine that Trump's disastrous presidency would have made that abundantly clear by now, but apparently not.

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