Discussion Thread: How Are You?

Between the anniversary of Trump's inauguration; the regular flow of garbage news; the frustrating obsession of the political press with Michael Wolff's trash gossip book and their unfathomable need for an unreliable, unethical, shitbird who disgraces their profession to tell them Trump is a monster when that has been manifestly evident to even the most casual of glancing eyes since he announced his run for the presidency; and the weather, I am feeling grumpy.

Not terrible, lol. Just grumpy.

But simultaneously, I'm feeling very grateful for this community; enthusiastic about my determination to create collective moments of joy for us this year in spite of (to spite!) Trump and the Republicans; joyful that Matilda and Olivia are both feeling better; appreciative of my friends near and far; and fortunate AF to love and like Iain very much every day.

How are you?

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