Get It Together, White Men

[Content Note: Toxic masculinity.]

I spend my days writing about the Trump administration, which is a group of white cishet men (and some piddling number of enablers) who embody toxic masculinity.

In between writing about their aggressive fuckery, I write about mass shootings and other acts of public violence committed by men, virtually all of whom have some history of domestic violence, each of whom slaps a different toxic masculinist ideology on top of their heinous massacre.

And in between all of that, I write a seemingly endless number of pieces about the rape culture, and all the men who sexually harass and/or sexually assault women and children and, to a lesser extent, other men. And I write about all the (mostly but not exclusively) men who abet and defend those abusers.

My entire life at the moment feels consumed by documenting and resisting toxic masculinity.

I am fucking exhausted.

And I am fucking raw.

And I really need all the white men who reassure me #NotAllMen to get it together, step the fuck up, and start carrying some of this burden.

Because, since I write about toxic masculinity, I am also constantly subjected to it. In comments, in my inbox, in my mentions.

I can't breathe without the acrid stink of men being shitty.

And every goddamned day of my life, I am more resentful that men who claim to be Good Progressives, who insist they are my allies, who claim to be feminists continue to treat the dismantling of toxic masculinity as women's work.

You are not doing nearly enough, men. Not even close.

And I am sick of that, too.

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