Peak 2017: The Lord of the Flies Remake...with Girls!

Last night, Mike Fleming Jr. at Deadline reported that two dudes, Scott McGehee and David Siegel, "have made a deal at Warner Bros to write and direct a new version of Lord of the Flies, based on the iconic William Golding novel. They plan to be faithful to the novel with one major twist: The young students stranded on a remote island who descend into a savage social order will be girls."

Hahahahahahahaha of course.

If I had been asked to conceive of the perfect parody to encapsulate the mainstream film industry's creative bankruptcy, insistence on retelling white cishet male stories, and complete failure to understand the purpose of gender- and race-swapping, I probably would have suggested: "What about Lord of the Flies, but with girls?"

Anyway. Last night, I tweeted about this impending dumpster fire.

As you can see, it's been shared quite a lot! Which means an unusual number of responses. If you guessed that many of them were from dudes who wanted to tell me that Lord of the Flies was not about toxic masculinity (even though the author William Golding has said as much), give yourself a million gold stars!

Then there were the dudes who were super mad that I used the word "mansplaining," who created an inception of mansplaining in my mentions.

[Image embedded in tweet is a screenshot of a tweet authored by a dude reading: "Mansplaining, womansplaining— can't we just call it EXPLAINING or COMPLAINING. This isn't Spanish. Words don't need a sex."]

Many dudes were also quite certain I've never read the book. (Whooooooops!) And those were the nicest retorts from the angry men who responded to me. The rest was the usual name-calling and assorted harassment.

In defense of a book about toxic masculinity. To convince me it isn't about toxic masculinity. By demonstrating toxic masculinity.


This movie is a very bad idea, and I desperately hope it does not get made for a number of reasons, chief among them this:

Please don't try to do us any favors, fellas.

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