Healthcare Repeal Day: KEEP CALLING

The Republicans are saying they now have the votes in the House to pass the latest iteration of their "healthcare reform" bill, which is heinous in the extreme.

It would allow preexisting condition exclusions; it would gut employer-sponsored plans; it would consider domestic violence, sexual assault, C-sections, and postpartum depression as preexisting conditions; it would cut billions of dollars in funding for children with special needs; it would steal coverage from tens of millions of people; and the list of horrors goes on.

They are allocating 40 minutes for debate before the vote, despite the fact that many members of Congress have not yet read the text of the bill and there's no score from the Congressional Budget Office.


We must do everything we can to stop this in the House.

I am extraordinarily anxious, stressed, and fearful about this vote. I imagine lots of you are, too. I am incandescently angry that, in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, we are spending our time fretting about this and calling our representatives to beg them not to kill us via avarice and neglect.

Virtual hugs on offer, for anyone who needs them.

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