The "Healthcare" Vote Is Today

After calling off the scheduled vote last night, House Republicans will, at Donald Trump's urging, have the vote today at 10:00am ET.

Especially if your rep is a Republican who is on the fence, make those calls to urge them to vote no. Here is a thread about how that went for me with my Republican rep yesterday. Call call call!

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

Trump started the day by tweeting this garbage: "The irony is that the Freedom Caucus, which is very pro-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this plan!"

Trump is using his Twitter account to advertise reducing healthcare access for women and trans people as a feature of the GOP plan. (And furthering the lie that federal tax dollars are used to fund abortion. Not a dime of it is.)

The media is almost universally reporting on this tweet as Trump going after his own party. Sure. But how he's doing it is the real story.

A profoundly misogynist president is taunting the men (used advisedly) of his profoundly misogynist party to vote for a "healthcare" reform bill so that they don't look like pussies (again, used advisedly) for refusing to be utterly cruel to women and trans people (in particular) who depend on Planned Parenthood for healthcare.

It doesn't get any more despicable than that.

Although, a very close second is the report last night that members of the House GOP caucus were crying at their own heroics:

Some reports say that the House GOP now has the numbers to pass the bill. Others say they still don't have them. But my assumption is that this thing is going to pass. I hope I'm wrong.

KEEP CALLING. That's all we can do right now.

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