Spicer Is a Disaster

At today's White House Press Briefing, Sean Spicer was an even bigger disaster than usual, which is really saying something.

He went on an extended, agitated ramble in response to a question about Trump's assertion that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower; refused to call on a New York Times reporter; angrily responded to CNN's Jim Acosta stating facts about the wiretapping claim with "Jim, I think that's cute"; and then:

No, really.

[Reporter asks a question about budget cuts that diverge from what was promised]

SPICER: But again, there's this assumption in Washington, Jonathan, that if you get less money, it's a cut.
He then went on to add: "And I think that the reality is, is that in a lot of these, there's efficincies, duplicity, ways to spend money better."

I don't even know what to say anymore.

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