His Extremely Presidential Voice

[Content Note: Description of sexual assault; misogyny.]

Via Graydon Carter at Vanity Fair (emphasis added):
"Trump's one brief moment of acting presidential—when he read off a teleprompter for 60 minutes and 10 seconds during his address to Congress—served only to show just how low the bar for presidential behavior has plummeted since January. Watching TV commentators applaud him for containing himself for a little over an hour was like hearing a parent praise a difficult child for not pooping in his pants during a pre-school interview. Besides, vintage Trump is not going anywhere anytime soon. A couple of weeks earlier, during a visit by the Japanese prime minister, Shinzō Abe, the president told an acquaintance that he was obsessed with the translator's breasts—although he expressed this in his own, fragrant fashion."
I know we have a seemingly never-ending cascade of items to resist with respect to Donald Trump and his Republican administration.

But, I will never forget that, at 70 years of age, misogyny and imagined male supremacy are inextricably embedded within the fabric of the man's deplorable personality.

As such, even though some media elites might fawn over his ability to, from time to time, read from a teleprompter without pulling out his penis and plopping it onto the podium for all to admire, at his core he is a misogynist who has admitted on tape to grabbing women's genitals without their consent. Many people voted for him, not in spite of what having a misogynist as president symbolizes in terms of gender dynamics, but precisely because of it.

Now, I think that after all that has transpired in the past couple of months, we can drop the pretense that those "lock her up" chants were actually about a concern for criminal wrongdoing or treason and instead admit that maybe, just maybe, they were about something else entirely.

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