Rage. Seethe. Boil.

[Content Note: Violence; terrorism; Islamophobia.]

I'm going to need a macro to automatically insert that headline into basically every post for the foreseeable future...

Anyway. I've got a new piece at Shareblue about Donald Trump doing yet another touchdown dance after public acts of violence:
Donald Trump does not appear to care very much about victims of public acts of violence, nor about the reverberating effects his commentary might have on people who commit these acts. His primary concern, after nearly every act of public violence, has been to do a self-aggrandizing victory lap, no matter how cynically or undeservedly, about how he is always "right."

...Following the recent assassination of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in Turkey and the deliberate truck crash which left 12 people dead in Berlin, Trump again chose to crow about his own genius.

Asked by a reporter if the incidents caused him "to rethink or reevaluate" his "plans to create a Muslim registry or ban Muslim immigration to the United States," Trump answered not with sympathy or sobriety, but triumphalism: "You know my plans. All along, I've been proven to be right. 100 percent correct. What's happening is disgraceful."

Trump's reflexive need to be self-congratulatory in the wake of deadly acts of violence is appalling. It is also revealing: He has been "right" only inasmuch as he is selectively commenting on terrorist acts committed by Muslims — while carefully omitting equivalent commentary on white supremacist killers like Dylann Roof or anti-choice terrorists like Robert Dear — in order to justify his Islamophobia.

That is about as far from "right," whether one means correct or decent, as it gets.
I can't believe this guy is going to be our president. I mean, I can believe it, but you know what I mean.

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