Train Crash in Hoboken

[Content Note: Crash; injuries; death; video may autoplay at link.]

This morning at the height of rush hour, a New Jersey transit train crashed into the Hoboken station. Preliminary details are that as many as 100 people were injured and 3 killed. As always, these numbers may change as more information becomes available. I desperately hope that it turns out no one was killed, but I fear that won't be the case.

Additionally: "Preliminary reports suggest the crash involving train No. 1614 on the Pascack Valley Line was accidental or caused by operator error, according to four law enforcement officials, though they stress it is early in the investigation."

My sympathies with everyone who was injured or traumatized by this event, including all the family members who are awaiting news about commuters.

Please feel welcome to post updates in comments as information is released. Take all preliminary information with a grain of salt. And, as ever, let's keep this an image-free thread. Thanks.

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