
[Content Note: War; anti-vax; fat hatred; disablism; rape culture.]

In non-major party candidate news:

This is Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson being asked this morning about Aleppo, "Syria's commercial capital before the civil war began more than five years ago [and currently] the scene of what one rebel fighter is calling a 'great epic battle' as rebel groups have launched a major offensive against government positions," and having not the shadow of a clue:

Mike Barnicle: What would you do if you were elected about Aleppo?

Gary Johnson: About...?

Barnicle: Aleppo.

Johnson: And what is Aleppo?

Barnicle: You're kidding.

Johnson: No.

Barnicle: Aleppo is in Syria.
Wow. WOW.

Remember that time Gary Johnson also didn't know who Harriet Tubman is? He seems terrific.

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Interrupting her busy schedule of dancing with anti-vaxxers, calling fat and autistic people diseased, and praising alleged rapist Julian Assange as a hero, Green Party candidate Jill Stein has gotten herself arrested at a protest.

Just to be clear: I have no problem with Stein participating in the protest. Good for her! But spraypainting "I approve this message" on a bulldozer isn't going to convince me she's presidential material.

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Whooooopsy! Conservative Independent candidate Evan McMullin (remember him?) (I wouldn't blame you if you didn't!) "intended the vice presidential candidate listed on his applications for state ballots to be only a placeholder, but the states say the name will appear on the ballot in November."
In all nine states where he has officially qualified to appear on the presidential ballot, McMullin has listed a "Nathan Johnson" as his vice presidential nominee. McMullin's campaign won't provide any more information about Johnson — including which of the thousands of people named Nathan Johnson the campaign is referring to — saying he is only a placeholder until McMullin names an actual running mate.

But in eight of the nine states, top election officials say McMullin's campaign can't pull Johnson's name off the ballot, and that it's "Nathan Johnson" — not whomever McMullin eventually names as his pick for vice president — that will appear on the ballot.

If McMullin is indeed stuck with Johnson on the ballot, it marks an embarrassing setback for a candidate already struggling with a lack of national name recognition, a small budget, and a late start to his race.
Good luck, Evan McMullin! I'm sure you'll do GREAT!

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