1. Hillary Clinton "may be held to a different standard by the voters, but not by the press," according to Chris Cillizza. I guess he would know, since he clearly established himself as an expert on the different standards to which Clinton is held when he suggested she should be drinking "Mad Bitch" beer. I definitely can't wait to hear more on this subject from him! DO TELL ME MORE, SIR. Tell me all the ways the press doesn't hold Clinton to a different standard, and while you are talking I will be reading aloud this thing I wrote, perched on a soapbox at the corners of Misogyny Lane and Mansplaining Boulevard. SEE YOU THERE!

2. Donald Trump loves guzzling "Mad Bitch" beer at his favorite local watering hole, The Low Bar. He loves the Low Bar SO MUCH. Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came! SCOOT OVER, CLAVIN! TRUMP IS HERE! At the Low Bar, Trump can totally violate the protocols of an intelligence briefing, to incredulity and condemnation from actual members of the intelligence community, and NO ONE WILL EVEN CARE! It's all good fun at the Low Bar.

3. Our national media is garbage.

4. Tim Kaine continues to be very delightful and also makes good and serious points about how Donald Trump is a terrible candidate. I hope he's never sent or received any emails or started a foundation that has saved millions of lives or coughed or sat on a stool. Although it probably doesn't matter, because he's a dude.

5. Mike Pence continues to be the absolute fucking worst.

59 more days of this shit.

That about sums it up! Discuss.

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