
The only thing better than two white dudez sitting around making gross sexist jokes is when those two white dudez are prominent members of a major media outlet making sexist jokes about the Secretary of State:
Washington Post reporters Dana Milbank and Chris Cillizza regularly do a political commentary video series called "Mouthpiece Theater." In the newest segment, Milbank and Cillizza discuss President Obama's "beer diplomacy," and what types of beer various public officials should drink. They suggest a "Happy Ending" beer for Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) and a "XXX Porter" for Gov. Mark Sanford (R-SC). Their suggestion for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, is considerably more offensive — a "Mad Bitch" beer.

[Jump to 2:35 if you don't want to watch the whole thing.]

I'd love to hear the Washington Post explain how they feel confident their reporters are giving balanced coverage to female public figures when they're willing to unabashedly use sexist slurs in public.

Contact the Washington Post's ombudsman.

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