In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today...

[Content Note: Flooding; death; displacement] No words: "An enormous and slow-moving rainstorm has laid waste to much of southern Louisiana, which the National Weather Service has called a '1,000-year' disaster. By Monday afternoon, more than 20,000 residents had been rescued from the historic floodwaters, and as many as seven had died. People here stay prepared for hurricanes, and all the cataclysm they bring. But this storm did not arrive with noise and velocity; instead it unfolded over several days, sneaking up almost without notice. Then the rivers topped their banks."

[CN: War] Um. "Russian bombers launched attacks in Syria from an Iranian air base for the first time on Tuesday, potentially altering the political and military equation in the Middle East. Long-range Tupolev-22M3 bombers, which would otherwise have to fly from Russia, used an Iranian base near Hamadan to hit a series of targets inside Syria, according to a brief statement from the Russian Defense Ministry. The agreement to let Russia use the base significantly deepens the country’s military role in the region, most obviously in Iran."

[CN: War on agency] In good news: "An effort to defund Ohio Planned Parenthood affiliates by Gov. John Kasich (R) and the Republican-held legislature has come to an end. Judge Michael R. Barrett of the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Ohio on Friday ruled in Planned Parenthood's favor, granting a permanent injunction on an anti-choice state law."

[CN: Healthcare access; video may autoplay at link] Goddammit: "Health insurer Aetna Inc. will stop selling individual Obamacare plans next year in 11 of the 15 states where it had been participating in the program, joining other major insurers that have pulled out of the government-run markets in the face of mounting losses. Aetna will exit markets including North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Florida, and keep selling plans on state exchanges only in Iowa, Delaware, Nebraska, and Virginia, according to a statement Monday evening. In most areas it's exiting, Aetna will offer individual coverage outside of the program's exchanges. The decision is the latest blow to President Barack Obama's signature domestic policy accomplishment." Yes, and, rather more importantly, the latest blow to people who need healthcare access.

[CN: Racism; video may autoplay at link] What the fuck: "A New Mexico restaurateur is stirring the pot once again with his questionable 'Black Olives Matter' branding—this time on T-shirts and hats. Paisano's owner Rick Camuglia, who came under fire last month for erecting a Black Lives Matter-riffing sign to shill his olive tapenade, recently began selling the merch to offer customers a souvenir from the Italian eatery. 'It's just something to do that's kind of fun now,' Camuglia told local ABC affiliate KOAT, which first reported the news. ...Though many commenters on the Albuquerque joint's Facebook page raged against the political correctness machine and told dissenters to 'quit being a bunch of pansies,' several others panned the restaurant for trivializing a serious social movement." I GUESS BOTH SIDES HAVE A POINT OH WELL. Seethe.

[CN: Video may autoplay at link] President Obama 'Tired' of Talking About Donald Trump. You and me both, Mr. President.

[CN: Misogyny] Hey, COOL HEADLINE, Newsweek. "Meet Hillary Clinton's Inner Circle, the Queenmakers Who Won't Rest Until She's President." #HillaryCoverageIsCrap

Lolsob foreverrrr: "CNN's Carol Costello and guest Errol Louis lose it over Mike Pence campaigning with Marco Rubio, who just called Trump a 'con artist' but said he'd still support him." Laughing all the way to America's future nightmare hellscape!

[CN: Misogynist slur, but used positively] This guy really, really, really loves Hillary Clinton!

[CN: Misogyny] Gee, this narrative seems familiar... "It seems that if Ghostbusters wasn't perfect from the second it appeared in theaters, it would be branded a flop, talked about as if it were a flop, no matter what was actually happening."

[CN: Moving gif at link] "This impossibly cute sea creature looks like a googly-eyed cartoon octopus." As advertised!

And finally! PERFECT LIFE. [Video Description: A small tabby cat naps with a toy in a suspended glass bowl, slowly spinning.]

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