♥ Leslie Jones ♥

[Content Note: Racism; misogyny; dehumanization; harassment.]

Leslie Jones, who plays Patty in Ghostbusters, has been subjected to an unfathomably relentless campaign of racist harassment on Twitter.

If you're on Twitter, you can tweet support for her using the hashtag #LoveForLeslieJ. And you can tweet her directly at @Lesdoggg.

If you don't want to compose anything yourself, and would rather just RT what I've already tweeted, here you go:

No one deserves this despicable shit under any circumstances. But goddamn does it just add a whole other layer of fuckrage that it's being directed at a woman for her participation in a film that has brought so many other women so much happiness.

Leslie Jones, I take up space in solidarity with you. ♥

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