Good Grief, This Guy

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

So, Donald Trump just gave a speech, and it was terrible! My review of it: "Official Reaction to Donald's 'Major' Speech: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!"


In other news, here's a cool headline: "GOP leaders alarmed by Trump's 'devastating' fundraising start." Haha no shit!
New campaign finance reports showing that Trump had less than $1.3 million in the bank heading into June ignited fears that the party will not be able to afford the kind of national field effort that the entire Republican ticket depends on.

The real estate mogul responded by going on the offensive, saying GOP fundraisers have failed to rally around his campaign.
Um, yeah. They have failed to rally around a campaign that they know is a stinking loser. Being resoundingly defeated in a spectacular humiliation isn't going to give them a great return on their investment.

Meanwhile, he's getting his toxic taint all over the whole party:
GOP strategist and fundraiser Austin Barbour said if Trump fundraising does not pick up, it "could have a devastating impact" on the Republican Party.

"If they don't fix this in a massive way, it's going to have widespread implications down the ballot. It just is," Barbour said. "If he's not raising hundreds of millions of dollars, there are gubernatorial races, Senate races, congressional races, attorney general races, you name it, that will be impacted. Those races are dependent upon get-out-the-vote efforts from the RNC and the presidential campaign."
Awwww lol. Couldn't happen to a nicer party!

But seriously: This is why I continue to be gravely concerned that the Republicans are going to try to find a way to push Trump out of the race. It's not just the White House that the GOP stands to lose, but their Senate majority, House seats, governorships, all kinds of offices up and down the ticket. Naturally, that prospect couldn't make me happier, which is exactly why I'm pretty sure it's never going to happen!

Anyway. Trump responded by releasing a statement that said his campaign fundraising is "incredible." Sure. Sounds legit.

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