Whooooooooops! Email SNAFU Alerts Media Trump Plans to Hit Clinton on Whitewater

The revival of the '90s attacks continues!

This is just sad on so many levels:
Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo on Wednesday morning emailed a researcher at the Republican National Committee asking him to "work up information on HRC/Whitewater as soon as possible. This is for immediate use and for the afternoon talking points process."

The email was obtained by POLITICO when Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks, who Caputo copied on his request to the RNC, accidentally responded instead to Marc Caputo, a POLITICO reporter who is not related to the Republican consultant.
First, Donald Trump continues to demonstrate a catastrophic inability to face Hillary Clinton on the issues, given that his policy platform amounts to a bunch of contradictory bigotry shouted during the rambling monologues he calls speeches.

Second, his campaign's buffoonery is the reason we know that he's now fixing to go after Clinton on Whitewater.

Third, this is more evidence that Trump is afraid—afraid of competing on the merits, afraid of fighting fair, afraid of women.

Women will Trump Donald—unless, perhaps, he manages to Trump himself first.

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