This Is What a Feminist Presidential Candidate Looks Like

Hillary Clinton says over and over on the campaign trail that her entire career has been centered around helping children and removing barriers so that everyone can live up to their potential.

And this is a big, big way of proving that she puts her policy where her mouth is:
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday will sketch out an agenda for helping families with young children, including an ambitious promise to put high-quality child care within financial reach of all working parents.

...The most concrete part of the agenda, the campaign aides say, will be the two narrow but potentially important proposals. One would bolster a highly regarded "home visiting" program designed to help low-income children at risk of emotional, intellectual, and physical harm. If Clinton has her way, the program, known as the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Initiative, would reach twice as many children as it does today.

The other initiative Clinton plans to introduce Tuesday would seek to boost pay for child-care workers, as a way to improve retention and attract educators with stronger qualifications. Clinton will call this the RAISE initiative, for "Respect And Increased Salaries for Early Childhood Educators," and it will be based on successful pilot programs now operating in several states.

But by far the most intriguing part of Tuesday's speech may be a promise that Clinton intends to make. According to the campaign aides, Clinton will say that the federal government should commit to making sure that no family ever pays more than 10 percent of its income on child-care expenses.

It's an audacious vow, given that many families now spend far more than 10 percent of income on child care, and one that's impossible to evaluate without details about funding and program design that the Clinton campaign has yet to provide.
But, as always, those details will be forthcoming, because Clinton never puts out a policy without those details, since she's so competent I MEAN BORING OBVIOUSLY.

This is just, truly, a remarkable set of proposals. Genuinely thrilling. And I'm not even a parent and will never be one! This is the sort of progressive and possible thinking that I really like.

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