#TwoTrumps: Both Are Terrible Misogynists

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

I've got a new piece up at Blue Nation Review on Donald Trump's reaction to the Our Principles PAC ad recounting the many awful things he's said about women over the years:
Again we witness the Two Trumps in action. The Trump who is empowered by crowds of supporters or Twitter followers, whose confidence is buoyed by sycophancy, thinks it's a terrific idea to engage in misogyny.

The Trump who wilts into insecurity when held accountable for those comments isn't so certain. He doesn't disavow his comments about women, but he isn't too keen to defend them, either—instead deflecting by categorizing the ad as an attack mounted by a sore loser, the veracity of which is wholly irrelevant to whether he said those things and whether he stands by them.

...The real test of a man's respect for women is not in how he treats women he loves and/or who love him. It's how he treats women with whom he disagrees.

Both Donald Trumps—the one who bellicosely says horrible things about women and the one who shrinks from defending those statements—fail that test.
Read the rest here.

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