Mass Shooting in Kalamazoo

[Content Note: Guns; violence; death.]

On Saturday, a 45-year-old white man named Jason Dalton went on a shooting spree over seven hours, killing six people seemingly at random and injuring two others. Dalton was an Uber driver and allegedly continued to take fares in between shooting people.

My sincerest condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of the victims, and to the entire community.

Time has a recap of what we know so far. Naturally, because Dalton is white, he was taken into police custody "without incident," his neighbors are being quoted as saying how nice and unassuming he is, and the narratives that he must be mentally ill are flying.

I don't know what I could possibly say about this incident that I haven't said a thousand times before. Except perhaps this: The fact that this is becoming so routine that there's nothing new I can say, and that a mass spree shooting is barely a blip in the national media, is appalling in the extreme. We are becoming so inured to mass shootings that it's just another day in the United States of America.

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