Can't Fu@#king Win

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

We've talked a lot in this space about the Can't Fucking Win List—that list of contradictory rules for women that means we can never fucking win.

Be pretty. But not too pretty. But definitely don't be ugly. Have confidence. But don't be an arrogant bitch. Have ambition. But not too much ambition that it makes you unlikable. Communicate what you think you deserve. Stop acting like you think you deserve something. Women who are working mothers are terrible because X. Women who are stay-at-home parents are terrible because Y.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Over many years, and countless posts, I've detailed how the rules of the Can't Fucking Win List have been used against Hillary Clinton.

If she shows emotion, she's weak. If she doesn't show emotion, she's cold.

If she expresses anger, she's a hysterical feminist. If she doesn't express anger, she's passionless.

When she declared her 2008 candidacy early, she was an entitled bitch. When she delayed her 2016 announcement, she was a ruthless bitch who was fucking over the men who wanted to run.

Her hairstyle is so hideous; she should change it. Her hairstyle is so hideous; she never should have changed it.

If she doesn't admit she was wrong about something and change her position, she's an establishment jerk who doesn't listen. If she does admit she was wrong about something and changes her position, she's a cynical opportunist.

On and on and on. She can't fucking win.

Although most news outlets still haven't yet declared a Democratic winner in Iowa, NBC News reports: "Clinton Edges Out Sanders in Historically-Close Caucus."

They have projected her to be the first female presidential candidate ever to win the Iowa Caucus, and this is another headline they're currently running about it:

screen cap of an NBC headline reading: 'First Read: Why Clinton's Apparent Iowa Win Feels More Like a Loss'

When she wins, it feels like a loss.

Because women can't fucking win, even when we fucking do.

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