Today in Manclaiming

image of a Solo lemon-flavored fizzy drink can labeled 'MAN'S CAN' and 'THIRST CRUSHER'

Photo by my friend Kath and shared with her permission. This refreshing lemon-flavored drink ISN'T FOR YOU, LADIES. It doesn't merely quench human thirst, but CRUSHES IT! You can't handle the THIRST-CRUSHING POWER of the MAN'S CAN so don't even try!

Solo, I am mansplained by its website, has been "crushing the thirst of Aussie men since 1973" and is "outdoors, active, real lemon tang refreshment" that's "light on the fizz so you can slam it down fast."
Even our ads are famous. The legendary SOLO man, an Aussie icon, performed daring and adventurous feats in TV commercials right up until the late 90s - no challenge was too big if an ice cold can of SOLO was the reward!
What about the challenge of drinking a fizzy drink out of a can that hasn't been masculinized to indulge a fragile masculinity that is defined exclusively in contradistinction to the feminine?

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