The Monday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by eagles.

Recommended Reading:

Dayna: [Content Note: Misogyny; white supremacy] On Gawker's Problem with Women

Julia: [CN: Bigotry; privilege; policing] How to Write a "Political Correctness Run Amok" Article

Angus: [CN: Racism; racist slur; privilege; policing] Petulant, Hyper-Sensitive, Censorious, Orwellian Activists, 1954

Shena: [CN: War on agency; violence against women. NB: Not only women need access to abortion.] Brazil's Conservatives Attempt to Further Restrict Abortion

Imani: [CN: Racism; violence] Chris Christie Should Remember the 'Lawlessness' in His Own Backyard

Shane: Ocean's Eleven: The Women Of Colour Cast

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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