Quote of the Day

[Content Note: War on agency. NB: Not only women need access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare services.]

"Our movement is losing because we act like losers who are truly, deeply sorry. We apologize for abortion. We accept the opposition's premise that the only way to fund other forms of health care is to defund abortion. We celebrate every time President Obama offers a new 'compromise' on birth control; contrast this to leading LGBT movement funder Tim Sweeney, who has put out a goal to shut down the religious liberty debate in three years. We reinforce the lie that abortion, birth control, and sexuality are matters of naughty behavior that can be corrected, and we fail to stand up for the dignity of women and all people. That's not proactive. That's a blushing and stammering apology."Erin Matson and Pamela Merritt, of the soon-to-launch Reproaction, arguing that we need to stop being apologetic about abortion—a position with which, of course, I resoundingly agree.

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