The Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by ivy.

Recommended Reading:

Mariame: [Content Note: Police brutality; racism] Summer Heat

Mychal: [CN: Domestic violence; racism] Chris Brown Is the Poster Child for Intimate Partner Violence

Dani: [CN: Christian Supremacy; sexual assault; abetting abuse] Of Masculinity and Abusive Breeding Grounds

Jessie: [CN: White supremacy; misogynist terrorism; carcerality] Interview with Mikki Kendall about White Women, Feminism, and Race

Kath: [CN: Fat hatred; sexual objectification; disablism] Fat Activism Is Not About Your Boner

Charlotte: [CN: Disablism; self-harm; victim-blaming] I Asked for Help

Jake: [CN: Transphobia; misogyny] Jerry Seinfeld Says College Campuses Are Too PC for Comedians in Discussion on Caitlyn Jenner

THV: [CN: Moving gifs] Tom Hardy on How He Gets Buffed Up for His Roles

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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