In the News

Here is some stuff in the news today...

Here comes Budgetfuck 2015! "President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a $3.99 trillion budget for fiscal year 2016 that sets up a battle with Republicans over programs to boost the middle class that are funded by higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans." And here's the talking point: When the President "'devotes his time and energy to talking about the new tax-and-spend policies that progressives like and Republicans universally oppose, he signals to Congress that he is once again looking to argue rather than to legislate,' said Keith Hennessey, a former economic adviser to Republican President George W. Bush." Obama is the divisive one. Rinse and repeat forever. *headdesk*

[Content Note: War; violence] I hope for the best and fear the worst: "South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and rebel commander Riek Machar signed another ceasefire agreement on Monday, edging them closer to a final deal to end a 15-month conflict that has ravaged the world's newest country, mediators said. African diplomatic sources said the agreement, which has not been made public, sets out how the two leaders would share power once they formed an interim government. It is proposed Kiir would remain president while Machar would become vice president. After four days of intense negotiations, the warring sides also agreed to abide by a ceasefire deal which was signed in January 2014 but is frequently violated. The rebels, however, said many more details need to be ironed out before the deal can be labelled a 'power-sharing' agreement. The government and rebels have previously signed at least three peace deals which were broken quickly."

[CN: Homophobia; video may autoplay at link] Mike Huckabee is really on a fucking roll lately: "Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee says expecting Christians to accept same-sex marriage is 'like asking someone who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.' He also called homosexuality part of a lifestyle, like drinking and swearing." I guess that makes people in same-sex relationships "trashy," too, huh? Btw, someone pass Mike Huckabee a note that gay Christians exist.

[CN: Health crisis] This is so sad: "Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of late US singer Whitney Houston, is in hospital in an unknown condition after being found unresponsive in a bathtub. Medical privacy laws mean information is restricted, but unconfirmed reports said she was in a medically induced coma to reduce swelling on the brain. ...The incident happened less than two weeks before the third anniversary of Whitney Houston's death. The singer was found dead in February 2012, aged 48, in a bath in a hotel in Los Angeles." I feel so hard for Bobbi Kristina, and for her family and friends.

[CN: Video may autoplay at link] Nationwide says their super depressing and exploitative Superbowl advert wasn't about hawking insurance: "The sole purpose of this message was to start a conversation, not sell insurance. We want to build awareness of an issue that is near and dear to all of us-the safety and well being of our children." Okay, players.

[CN: Spoiler for The Boy Next Door] LOLOLOL FOREVER: "In the movie, J.Lo, achieving high levels of buff and polish while sporting nerd glasses, plays Claire, a high school classics teacher. Claire has a one-night stand with the mysterious 'boy' next door, Noah, played by Ryan Guzman. Part of the attraction is that Noah (not a boy at all but a man, honey, 19 and hot) loves the classics, too! They have some groundbreaking debates about Hector and honor and how classic rock is also full of poets, like Dylan and Led Zeppelin. And then, the moment arrives—the moment when the movie spreads its wings and reveals its truest self: Noah gives Claire a gift. A first edition of the Iliad."

Adorbz!!! Bella the Cocker Spaniel is learning a new trick every day for a year to raise money an organization that helps people with disabilities train their pets to assist them with tasks. ♥

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