Important Clown Car Nooz

Care of Politico this morning:

screen cap of the headline of a Politico story reading: 'Big GOP field unfazed by Hillary Clinton: She’s strong, they say, but hardly invincible. By Todd S. Purdum' and accompanied by a picture of Hillary Clinton making a contemplative face

Of course they're unfazed by Hillary Clinton. Why should they be fazed by Hillary Clinton when they're not fazed by the imminent global catastrophe of unchecked climate change, or the prospect of running a government when they hate government, or the gruesome realities of the nightmare disaster that is their economic policy, or the heinous consequences of the garbage typhoon that is their foreign policy?

To be fazed requires thoughtful contemplation. That ain't part of the Republican playbook.

I mean, just look at the picture of Clinton. She's got her hand on her chin and her lips pursed and her head tilted, AS IF IN THOUGHT. Hahaha what a jerk, amirite?! Thinking. Snort.


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